Monday 29 September 2014

The Legacy of The War For Britain

The Legacy of World War 1 For Britain

By: Matthew Field

How It Ended:
After the Germans overthrew the old government and, Kaiser Wilhelm the II, they established a new government, the Weimar Republic, which decided to end the war by signing an Armistice, that Britain and France wrote, and they agreed to stop fighting.

Britain’s Economy:
After the war Britain was replaced by the U.S. as the worlds most powerful nation. Even though Britain was victorious in the war, they were deeply in debt to the United States and the unemployment rate was raised.

Modern Weapons:
World War 1 saw the introduction of many weapons that we have now come to fear.  Examples of these include: the modern tank, airplanes (That are used to drop bombs, engage in dogfights and conduct surveillance.) and torpedoes that were used on submarines. These weapons emerged in the First World War and were used to a horrifying effect. These weapons have been used by countries like Britain and many other nations ever since.

Mental Trauma Among Veterans:
 Many veterans suffered from “Shell Shock.” This is a condition that many people suffered from in World War 1 because of the horrible things that they saw or did. Some of the symptoms include: diarrhea, anxiety, twitches and horrific nightmares. This left them scarred for the rest of their lives. Some were even branded as cowards when they came home.

The Empire:

After the First World War the British Empire had started to decline and because of the Empire’s colonies received little remuneration for their suffering, Britain started to gradually lose control of her Empire. Britain did, however obtain land in the Middle East that included: Iraq and Palestine.


  1. The devastation of war is as real today as it was in WWW1, perhaps even more so. Post traumatic stress disorder affects modern society on a daily basis. History is so important so that we can learn from the mistakes made.

    1. Thank you for commenting and supporting!

  2. Documentation is very valuable history paper and pen were of greatt value.

  3. Your post reminds me of a lovely film, based on a true story, about a Christmas Day truce between the troops in World War I, in which, for just one day, the people of both sides crawled out of the miserable trenches from which they fought the war, declared a truce, and sang some of the well-known Christmas carols together. Very moving film that showed the futility of war. I think it was called "Silent Night". Great research!

    1. Thanks, I've heard the story before and it was very moving. Thank you for supporting our blog!
